
It wasn’t easy getting here
The street signs looked a little queer
And altogether directions
didn’t seem to me to be very clear
So I steered myself in the direction of help
And resigned myself to a hike because well
What else am I gonna do with myself?
Put my head up on a shelf
The words within me beckoned
And so I went, I reckon
Because old forgotten rhyme
Within me chimed;
I suppose that’s how happiness begins
With the cleverest of vain little sins
The courage to believe in your voice again.

I stowed my depression
In the luggage section
And kissed my anxiety goodbye
Twas time to dwell
Upon myself
I had no time for such an emotional ride
And so I climbed
Out of that deep deep dark pit
The funny part was when I stepped out of it
I realized how small it was after all.
Turned out I was finally just tall.
I stepped out of my prison and out from the shadows
And finally realized I had options now
One foot in front of the other is hard
Especially when it’s your own damn front yard
And crossing the gate
When your life is at stake
Is one of the least sanguine jumps you might make
But take comfort my dear
For you’re finally in the clear
When you think for one minute
The world is better with you in it
And believe it
No more a scared little girl
Worried about my clothes and my curls
A woman emerges with a voice
A hope,
A future,
And a choice.


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