Kinder Soul

I hope you find I said to him
What you no longer search for
Some peace of mind,
An end to war
I hope that you find,
All this and more,
Along your road so bare.
He smiled and said
I hope you'll be
As honest with others
As you are with me.
I'll hope you'll fight
For what is wrong
And come into the light.
For I am perhaps a dreamer,
My head held in the clouds,
But his disease is meaner,
And has so many,
Now, ideals are seldom things
That I worry much about
But his ideals are problems
That he cannot live without
He shouts, he screams, he testifies,
And does not a thing to change
The very things he fights against
And is dismayed it stayed the same.
What's sad is that
Should you inquire,
The tale will change,
Though he's no liar.
He simply does not know
How far his insight does not go.
I hope you find
What you're looking for,
He said to me with candor.
I hope you don't,
I said in return
And thought it might be kinder.


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